Hal's iMac Weekend … or Why I haven't posted in the last few days

Though this has nothing to do with the Music or Magic … I have to fill you in on what happened, which kept me from posting the last few days …

Well, spent ALL of Friday and most of Saturday installing a new 2TB Drive on my iMac when the old drive crapped out (Monday or Tuesday of last week) and, after reinstalling all the software, warned me that I better get a new drive or else. I called around and the repair folk in this area (this iMac is out of warranty) … wanted $350 to $425 plus to put in a new drive. This did not include reinstalling my Time Machine backed material - all 930GB +).
iMac Corei5 computer 27" screen

So, after calling Other World Computer I decided to purchase the tools I'd need along with the drive and install it myself. I've been Mac-ing for over 29 years and have replaced lots of pieces (of course most stuff was tower related - which is a bit easier than the iMac). The decision was sound, but not without some hair-raising moments … or in my case bald patches.

Other World Computing Tool Kit

Other World Computing - Suction Cups for removing the iMac glass

Taking the iMac apart was a breeze, actually fun. Removing the old drive and installing the new one was no problem. But and however, when re-connecting the screen my wrist accidentally knocked the largest ribbon cable and it's connector from the board (yes, the connector). AHHHHhhhh I thought I was totally screwed. I carefully, and I mean very carefully reattached the connectors 30 plus micro teeth to their respective connector holes and then re-attached the ribbon cable - gently pushing it in place. Then I reassembled everything and plugged it in. The familiar hard drive sound and ping and then NOTHING on the screen. $#!+ … I broke down and called the local Mac repair guys (both of whom are very nice) … I was going to bring it in … then figured, what the heck I might as well just check the connectors one more time. So I carefully opened it up again and firmly (yet gently) pushed the one cable I thought was causing the problem down until I think I felt a click. Buttoned the iMac up again and IT WORKED. The screen was ALIVE!

Then I found out that although Time Machine is a superb back up of all DATA, it does not contain a system. And the new drive had to have a system installed. Therefore this was 12 hours of initializing, re-booting (after I purchased an enclosure to make this all possible using my old drive's system to "boot up"), re-installing my 930 GB of data … and complete computer configuration – and then realizing I needed a new larger backup drive too. Which I purchased and then backed up everything (another 9 hours).

So … I am now back up and running at 100% with more space, more backup … more, more, more.

I can't wait to make enough money to shell out $10K plus to get the new MacPro Tower (once all the Maverick issues are totally eliminated with the animation software I use) - to get the configuration I'd like … actually for the full configuration it's closer to $16K - like any of that is going to happen (yeah, right). 

The MacPro Tower - Oh Yeah!

And life goes on …
