4POINTS BBQ in Winterport Features NEVAH Saturday June 14th

Oh yeah … a big THANK YOU to Emily Burnham from the Bangor Daily News … in her 5 Things To Do section …

NEVAH @ the 4Points BBQ in Winterport, Maine this Saturday - from 6 to 9pm.

Please call ahead for reservations as we've heard through the grape vine (which we understand is more reliable then two cans and a string) … that tickets have been selling like crazy.

NEVAH playing live music at the 4Points BBQ in Winterport
June 14th - 6 to 9pm

Call: 207-223-9929 

And tell them Hal the NEVAH banjo guy sent you, but only if you want to tell them that. It won't do anything for you, but it makes me feel semi-important.

NEVAH playing live music at the 4Points BBQ in Winterport
Saturday - June 14th - 6 to 9pm

See you all Saturday …

… and NEVAH mind the weather - which is supposed to be pretty a-okay.
